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Monday, July 21, 2008

Quality Assurance Agent (atlanta )

As a Quality Assurance Agent, you would listen to recordings of sales calls to determine quality and compliance, if the sale was valid or if there is evidence of sales fraud or undue customer /sales rep confusion. Day or evenings or midnight shift [you choose work schedule].
This position is paid by the number of recordings reviewed. You work from your home using your computer and Internet access. We supply all needed training. Telecommute from home or office. Work full or partime 24/7
daily pay $95.00-$150.00
Sarah Harris H.R.
Record Compliance llc

Email: job-762068172@craigslist.org

  • Location: atlanta
  • Compensation: .
  • Telecommuting is ok.
  • This is a part-time job.
  • This is a contract job.
  • This is an internship job

