We cannot guarantee about the legitimacy of the job listings here.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Bloggers Wanted: Green Living, Social Responsibility, Nonprofit (Santa Monica)

The Media Maxwell Blog Network is seeking freelance contributors. Topics include green living, social media, social responsibility, nonprofit charities, health, education, and fitness.

Please see http://www.MaxGladwell.com and http://www.MaxSchoolBus.com for reference. These are two of the blogs in the network.

We're seeking individuals who are knowledgeable in these topic areas and have some experience blogging, whether personally or professionally. A familiarity with WordPress, StumbleUpon, Twitter, and the major social networks is a major plus.

Those seeking to learn about blogging and social media in these areas can also apply for an unpaid internship, which will earn college credit.

We are located in Santa Monica but all freelance work will done be remotely. Applicants are expected to have their own computers and broadband connections.

Please send a brief email describing your experience in blogging or these topic areas. Include links to other blog posts or writing samples as well as social media profiles. A formal resume is not necessary.

Email: job-812834289@craigslist.org

* Location: Santa Monica
* Compensation: Compensation ranges from $20 to $100 per post.
* This is a contract job.

