We cannot guarantee about the legitimacy of the job listings here.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Professionals: Make Training Videos $20/hr

Make Money Now! Serious job training/job posting portal own by ans association of lawyers is looking for people seeking to earn money ASAP.

Job description:
Using a camcorder, produce a 1 hour video teaching a skill you know:
2)banking and finance
3)auto repair
4)tax preparation, etc...

We pay $20/hour for this type of service. Payments go out every Friday via paypal.

You may charge more money by posting training videos for job seekers who are attempting to obtain a skill to add on their resumes. In this case, you get paid by the job seekeer and not our company.

Please go to www.joboholics.com and start today. Remember to upload your profile as people who are not knowledgeable will be rejected.

Thank you and welcome!

The Joboholics.com Staff

Email: staff@joboholics.com

* Compensation: $20/hr
* Telecommuting is ok.

