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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Writers Wanted for Several Client Projects

We are a large freelance writing network looking for writers for a number of new client websites. We regularly receive requests for writers from over 100 internet clients, and maintain a list of qualified writers.

Weekly, we send out content/article requests from our clients directly to writers. Then, writers can reply to the client directly, or to us, depending on who is handling the bids, and move forward with project details from there.

Compensation for this project will be on a per project basis, as determined by each individual client. Although knowledge of the specific topics that will make up each client's content is not required, interest and/or familiarity with the subject matter is preferred. The most important skill is being able to write clearly and concisely.

Our clients are MOSTLY seeking native English speakers, so please do not apply at this time if that does not apply to you. Your physical location does not matter, as long as you are a native English speaker. If you are interested in obtaining more information about this gig, please contact the listed email.

Email: job-776344653@craigslist.org

* Compensation: Varied based on client specs
* Telecommuting is ok.
* This is a part-time job.

