We cannot guarantee about the legitimacy of the job listings here.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Car Reviewer

CarGurus.com, one of the world’s fastest growing online car communities, needs freelance writers to preview and review cars. We pay freelancers $15/hour to research cars on the web and write active, upbeat, compelling previews and longer full reviews of 300-400 cars per model year. We expect carefully proofread submissions, and we give byline credit in addition to pay.

If you are a U.S. citizen and resident with a computer and a fast and reliable Internet connection, have at least 12 free hours a week to work, and would like to become a freelance writer for us, please send us an email with your resume and a writing sample attached. We’d like to read something you consider review-ish that you believe captures your style, reads very well, and is 100% ready for publication. Please feel free to send something you’ve already written, even if it’s not car-related – if we like it, we’ll ask you to write a sample car review.

Please email your cover letter, resume, and sample to editor@cargurus.com. Thanks in advance.

* Compensation: $20/hr
* Telecommuting is ok.
* This is a part-time job.
* This is a contract job.

