We cannot guarantee about the legitimacy of the job listings here.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Freelancers: Is Georgia on Your Mind? (ATL/COLUMBUS/MACON/SAVANNAH)

Looking for a few good writers with a digital camera to cover newsworthy news - political, legal, real estate, business, technological, science, local events, sports and entertainment venues, children or childcare and parenting, or just about any other topic you can name for a fast-growing blog called


Please send a resume highlighting one or both:
Your experience as a writer, and/or your "resident expertise" on the topic on which you'd like to write.

Blogs submitted must be no LESS than 300 words and no more than 1,000 words and must be accompanied by one (1) uploaded digital photo that is relevant to the piece being written.

We don't require actual professional writing experience-rookies, amateurs, novices, and "green" writers are accepted, but we do require professionalism in handling the work you submit to us. Blogs are posted on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, depending on the timing and quality of the work submitted and on editorial decision-making.

Written work must be specifically related to something that is going on in and will impact or effect residents of the State of Georgia ONLY, any city or county, whether it's as complex as a court case or a barbecue-eating and mud-pie-throwing event or news item that you have decided to cover.

Selected news items and accompanying photos will be compensated by CHECK PAYMENT only from SouthState LLC. All writers earning a minimum of $400 per calendar year (10 submissions or more) in compensation will receive a W9 around Jan. 31.

If we need a series done (a topic that will take more than one blog session to cover), we will request one from our already-established writers and discuss compensation at that time. Please note: Erotica and porn topics are accepted ONLY if they relate to the art industry (book reviews or art show reviews and interviews ... you get the idea). You should know the drill about what other topics will cause an automatic rejection and no more offers to be featured on our blogsite.

Reply to this posting IF you are interested and be sure to include a resume or a short bio IN THE BODY OF THE EMAIL, NOT AS AN ATTACHMENT, telling us where you are located, and how to contact you.

Once you are approved to start submitting, you will be notified by email if your work is accepted, requires a one time re-write, or is rejected for an unanticipated reason.

An Annual Top Prize Writer award of $150 will be given beginning in June of 2009 for the writer who gets the most submitted articles actually published.

Stick with topics about Georgia and the people who live and work here, and you (almost) won't go wrong.

Email: job-819145007@craigslist.org

* Compensation: $30.00 per blog / $10.00 per photo - TOTAL = $40 for each blog and photo used
* Telecommuting is ok.
* This is a part-time job.
* This is a contract job.
* This is an internship job.

