is growing at a rapid rate and is currently accepting resumes for customer service positions to assist our customers. provides free authentic designer handbags in exchange for members taking a few free trial offers from sponsors such as Blockbuster Online, Gevalia coffee, etc.
Our sponsors pay our firm for each acquired free trial customer, we in turn pass most of this revenue on to our members in the form of an expensive designer handbag.
Currently we are experiencing very high customer traffic as word spreads on how easy it is to obtain these bags from the company, and are seeking intelligent, friendly, well spoken individuals to assist them with common questions and support.
We are seeking both part time and full time applicants though preference will be given to those with 20 or more hours per week available. This position can be a telecommute situation for the right candidate.
Please forward all resumes to the email address above in a word or PDF format.
# Compensation: $14-$22 per hour
#Telecommuting is ok.
#This is a part-time job. provides free authentic designer handbags in exchange for members taking a few free trial offers from sponsors such as Blockbuster Online, Gevalia coffee, etc.
Our sponsors pay our firm for each acquired free trial customer, we in turn pass most of this revenue on to our members in the form of an expensive designer handbag.
Currently we are experiencing very high customer traffic as word spreads on how easy it is to obtain these bags from the company, and are seeking intelligent, friendly, well spoken individuals to assist them with common questions and support.
We are seeking both part time and full time applicants though preference will be given to those with 20 or more hours per week available. This position can be a telecommute situation for the right candidate.
Please forward all resumes to the email address above in a word or PDF format.
# Compensation: $14-$22 per hour
#Telecommuting is ok.
#This is a part-time job.
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