We cannot guarantee about the legitimacy of the job listings here.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Short Stories, Essays for Upcoming Publication (Everywhere)

STEPHEN RABURN Publishing is now accepting submissions for its upcoming collection (Fall, 2008) of short stories and essays. Approximately 10-15 submissions will be included in the debut issue of this new quarterly anthology.

The publisher is looking for intelligent, thoughtful, provocative, witty material. Nothing too dark or pornographic. Particularly interested in new, emerging writers.

For consideration, please email as an attachment in a Word Document. Deadline is August 1.

Contributor’s bio will be listed in the front of the journal, along with contact info/website address, etc., if you choose to do so. Additionally, contributors will receive copies of the book and consideration in future publications which may be in a position to compensate monetarily.

Email: stephenraburn@yahoo.com

  • Location: Everywhere
  • Compensation: copies
  • Telecommuting is ok.

